Thursday, January 13, 2011

A few jokes by the Javster:

"Why did the rubber chicken cross the road?"
"To get to the RUBBER side!"

"What's a dog's favorite snack?"

"Who's there?"
"Cow Who"
"No, OWLS who, cows MOO!"

quite the comedian, this one...

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Sometimes, when he's "busy" doing something, Jav has a hard time "hearing" what you're saying to him. After all, he is a male. =] So we often ask him to look at our faces, or ask him if he's listening...
Tonight, Cole was talking to Jav and said to him, "Javik, are you listening to me?"
To which Javik so proudly replied, "Yep, Daddy, I've got my ears on your voice!"

On the way home from school I pointed out a body of water near the road...

"Jav, look at the ice on that pond."
"Oh, Mommy, that's actually called a lake. A pond would be much smaller."

Oh really...