Friday, October 19, 2012

So last night Jav & I got up in the night with Zailey Belle.  First of all, she doesn't ever wake up so normally no one has to get up with her... Second, on the off chance that she (or Jav) does wake up, Cole usually gets up with her (or him).  So I guess when I got up with Zailey, Jav was concerned that perhaps I was out of my league?!
Anyway, he got up with me to check on her.  I picked her up from her crib and was feeling around her bed, in the dark, for her pacifier.  I whispered to Javik "Jav, I can't find the binkie!"  He whispered back, "Ugh!  What. is. wrong with your sense of feel?!"
* He then found the binkie right away... =|

Then this morning, on the way to school, he told me he didn't want to eat breakfast at home anymore.  I asked him where he'd like to eat.  He said at school.
I asked him how much school breakfast cost.
He said, "I think it's free."
"No, I think it cost money."
"Nope.  Just like the lunch at my school for kids.  It doesn't cost anything."
"Yes, it does.  Mommy & Daddy pay for your lunch.  We put money on an account for you."
That was all he needed to hear...
"Well... then put some money on there for my breakfast!"

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Javik informed me today that his class will not be doing any actual learning until it is "officially fall".  I'm guessing he's been misinformed.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

The Jav-Miester started Kindergarten!
I can't believe he's FIVE and going to school.  My son now puts in the same workday that I do!
I've actually debated just giving his teacher the password to this blog so she can add things, as I'm sure he'll have a whole world of Javisms in his school career.

A few from the first few days:

Day 1.  4:00 pm  Jav falls asleep in the car on the way home.  When we arrive home, Cole asks him if he's just super sleepy.  Jav's response:  "Uh yeah.  Cause I went to school today.  And I had to work there. All. Day!"

Day 2.  Jav says they sang a song today about a Rocket ship.  and whenever they sang about the rocket ship, his teacher had a picture of the Little Einstein's rocket ship on the Smart Board!  I said, "You know what that means?!  Mrs. Durant knows about the Little Einsteins!"  He said "Uh, no she doesn't!  I kept trying to tell her about them, but she just kept talking so much!"

Day 3.  Javik had PE today.  I asked him how PE was... he said "It. Was. Awesome!"  I said "What made it so awesome?"  "Coach B (whom he sometimes refers to as "Coach BPE") Coach B called me Studmuffin!"
I have also been asking Jav if he's making any new friends.  Just curious, you know...
So I asked him if he'd made any new friends, he said "I do like Ramsey"  I asked if Ramsey was a boy or girl... he's a boy.  I asked what he & Ramsey liked to play together... "We like to slide down the slide, and then block it so that no other kids can go down it!"  Oh Jav.  (I tried to encourage him to not be that kid) =]
Then he said this: "Mom, then my friend Ramsey went into a whole group of kids.  And he was wearing a red shirt.  And there were FOUR other red shirts.  He was like a chameleon!  I had to look at the shape of everybody's heads to see which one was him!"

Needless to say, Jav is off to a pretty great start! 

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Two funnies from the Javinator....
1.  He's playing T-Ball this summer... which is in itself quite a sight.  Kind of herding cats if you ask me.  He's playing in Harrisburg since its so much closer for us to drive to practices & games.  So at the end of his first practice, his whole team put their hands in and on 3 they yelled "Harrisburg Bulldogs!"  All fine & good right?!  
Fast forward a few days... we're in the car talking about Jav's team.  Cole says "I don't even know what your team's name is Jav."  To which Jav casually replies, "Oh, it's Hotdogs Bulldogs!"
2.  We're in the middle of VBS at our church.  and I'm helping lead the music.  So Jav & I are practicing the songs & actions during the day so that I'll be ready to teach them at night.  Today we practiced our song for tomorrow night.  The chorus says "If God is for me, who can be against me?"  (Which is awesome doctrine & I hope that as the kids learn the song they're hiding those words in their hearts!)  So after practicing, Jav is singing his heart out around the house.  Only he's singing these words:  "If God is boring, who can maybe kiss me?!"  So close....
(We did correct him, but how cute is he?!)  :)

Thursday, May 3, 2012

A Real-Life Bedtime Story

This is the actual conversation I had with the Javmeister tonight while tucking him in.....

Javik, did you have fun tonight at the track with daddy?
Yes.  We were at a track meet.
You were actually at a prayer walk, at the track...
Do you know why you were at the track praying?
Yes... because John Michael's dad told us to.
Oh.  Do you know what today is?
Today is called the "National Day of Prayer"
The "National Day of Prayer"?!
Yes, it's a day where people all over the United States get together and pray for our country and for 
President Obama...
Who's President Obama?!
He's the President of the United States.
There's a President right now?!
Yep, there's always a President.  He's the one who leads our country.
Do you know who was President when you were born?
President Bush.
(lots of giggles... apparently Obama doesn't strike him as a funny name, but Bush is hilarious!)
Did you say push or bush like with leaves?
I said Bush like with leaves.
(more giggles)
Was President Bush the president when I was 1?
Yes, and then while you were 1, President Obama took over.
And who took over when I was 2?
Well, President Obama gets to be President for 4 years... so next fall, when you're 5, we'll get to either pick President Obama again, or we'll get to pick someone else.
I think we should pick someone else.
You do?
Yes.  And I know the name of who I want to pick.....  George Washington!  He's my favorite president!
He is?
Yes!  Him and Abracam Lincoln.
His name is Abraham Lincoln.
I like to say it by-ever I want (instead of however...?) and I like to say Abracam.
Fine, say Abracam.
OK.  I love George Washington and Abracam Lincoln.  They were great presidents. And they're on my money!
They were great presidents.
Are all of the presidents dead?
No, but most of them are because a lot of them were president a very long time ago.
(Jav gets a very serious look on his face......)
Mom.  Is George. Washington. dead?
(hesitantly) Yes.  He is.
Oh my!
(Jav covers his mouth with his hand and has a look of horror in his eyes)
Well, he was president a very long time ago.  If he were alive, he would be very, very old.
(in a whisper)  and Abracam Lincoln?
Yes, he's dead too.  He also was president a very long time ago.
(He covers his entire face, and from beneath his little hands I see one giant crocodile tear slide down his cheek...)
My boy was literally crying, nay - weeping, at the revelation that his two favorite presidents were dead!
We finally were able to recover by quoting our favorite lines from the Wizard of Oz....  Jav does a great impression of the Lion!  :)
Finally, after discussing a few other (random) topics, like the 8th grade dance (when I told him I had to go he said "Oh, that's horrible!") and why Lotso was such a mean bear in Toy Story 3 (we decided he just needed someone to love him), my boy & I prayed together and he drifted off...
Can you believe the things he thinks of?!  I am so unbelievably blessed to be his mom!
Man, I love that kid!

Saturday, April 28, 2012

OK... I know I have seriously neglected the Javisms since the Nader became a Big Brother!  Have no fear, though, the funnies have not slowed a bit...

I recently took Javik for his Kindergarten screening, and the whole time he tried to include the screener in the fun...
She said "Javik, can you hand me a blue circle?"  He said, "Sure!  Now, can you hand me a yellow triangle?"  I nearly LOL'd from the table where I was sitting.  It's hard to believe my baby boy will be going to kindergarten so soon... but he is SO ready to go!

Earlier this week, as we were driving to town, Javik was telling me about how he's getting so big... I agreed with him and said "You & Zailey are both growing so fast I don't even know what to do." 
He looked at me with that look and said "Not Zailey!  She's been a baby the whole time I've known her!"

In the evenings Javik likes to entertain us with songs he's learned.  One evening he was singing (quite passionately) a song about growing up.  Except that Jav had apparently misunderstood the words while practicing at school because he was singing:
"I'm rowin, rowin, rowin, a little bit every day!  In lots of different ways I'm getting stronger!  I'm rowin!"
So Cole said, "Jav, I think maybe that word is growing, since it's a song about growing up."
Again, that look, "No.  I'm pretty sure it's rowin, because the title of the song is Rowin.  So growing wouldn't make sense."
If you say so...

I know there are some I'm forgetting from just this week alone... I'll make an effort to post as I remember them!