Monday, December 28, 2015

How on earth have I not posted on the Javster in nearly 9 months?!  Crazy-town.

Too many funnies to catch up on fully, but just 2 days ago the "Aunties" were here visiting.  Meanwhile it's the day after Christmas & Javik has gift money that's burning a hole in his pocket!  He was dying to purchase a new video game.
He asked if we could go right then to buy it.  I said no, because we have company here.
He thought for a minute and then said, "OK, this is my final effort, and I'm giving this all I've got...(then starts singing)  'Give it to me, I'm worth it!'"


Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Walking out to the car this morning I told Javik to be careful for slick spots. .. he said "Don't worry Mom, us Hodson men were bred for danger!"

Later I overheard him tell Z, "Zai Belle, you'll learn as you get older:  there is literally no end to my strength."
