Oh boy. Today has been chock full of Javisms...
After church Grammy & GG came over for a little while to see some of our newly planted flowers and while they were here Javik offered everyone juice boxes. After we had all finished one, Javik very politely asks: "Would anyone like another juice box? They're delicious!"
Then we traveled to the hometown for Anchor Fest so Javik could use up the rest of his Grandma-provided-tickets. He rode every kiddie ride they had to offer... the merry-go-round (which is what he calls any carousel), a train, some flying elephants, and (his favorite by far) the race cars, which is a carousel of various vehicles. He loved those race cars so much! His little face just beamed the entire ride; and he didn't just sit there and ride either, he drove those things! He was steering and pushing a fake gas pedal and honking the horn... the whole nine! Well thanks to short lines on a Sunday afternoon, he was able to just hop from one car to the next and ride over and over and over again, while mommy just kept handing over those tickets! After about 6 rides in a row, we did take a little break, and I asked Javik "Do you love driving those race cars Buddy?"
He replied, "YES! But Mommy? I keep steering that little tiny steering wheel and those cars only turn to the left!"
So we came home and all 3 crashed into a much needed nap. After Jav woke up one of his first requests was a snack of course...a very specific snack:
"Hey guys, (to Cole & I) would anybody like some ice cream?"
"Ice cream? Do you think we have any?"
"Um... I don't know... Hey! I know! We can get some from the Ice Cream Truck!"
(haven't seen an ice cream truck in years...)
"Really? Where do you think the Ice Cream Truck is?"
"Oh, it's far far away... in Coney Island."
so I had to ask, "Javik, do you know where Coney Island is?" (if he had answered, 'Oh, New York' I would have lost it!)
"Yeah. It's far far away on Dora... so we should probably just jump into the TV so we can go get some ice cream."
I tell ya, Bill Cosby wasn't lying... kiddos really do say the darndest things!