Monday, May 3, 2010

A few Javisms off the top of my head:

he says "might be" instead of "maybe"... as in, "Don't put that glass on the edge of the table, it will might be fall off"
I love it!

He loves the movie Cars. One of Lightning McQueen's catch-phrases is "Float like a Cadillac, Sting like a Beamer!" Javism: "Fwoat wike a Cadiwac, Sting wike a Beaver!"
Too cute to correct.

April 30, 2010 when going to bed:
Me: "I love you Javik Nolan"
Jav: "Mommy, don't call me Javik Nolan!"
Me: "Why not? I gave you that name."
Jav: "Mommy, it's just creepy! Just give me Javik and call me that name!"

One morning while we were getting ready for school I made some corny joke (as usual)...
Jav's response: "Mommy, you are wicked funny!"
Apparently now he's an east-coaster!

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