Thursday, September 15, 2011

Yesterday, on the way to see the Dr., Jav & I discussed how God is putting baby Zailey together in my belly and how when she's ready, she'll be born...
Fast forward to tonight in the car, when out of the blue he pipes up: "Mom! I hope when God is putting Zailey together He doesn't forget her forehead!"

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Javik decided tonight to play restaurant. Not just any restaurant... a FANCY restaurant... Then he brought me a meal prepared by Chef Javik & his robot team. Each piece was a different item on the menu, the 2 & 3 prong trains were the salt & pepper!
I love his imagination! I love his confidence in himself and his willingness to play... never worrying whether those listening will think his ideas are silly. I know that over the years he will lose some of that. The world just does that to us... but my prayer is that his life would be filled with confidence & passion that comes from knowing who he is in Jesus...
and that he would always be willing to live in a way that this world considers silly.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Jav comes out of the bathroom holding the toilet brush...
"Um, can I clean the toilet with this? I pooped in there a LOT!"

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Tonight after getting out of the bath, Jav says "Well, looks like this angel is dirt-free!"

oh brother....

Friday, April 15, 2011

tonight while I was putting Javik to bed, he propped himself up on one elbow and said "So, uh, anyways....." and then let one rip!
I said "Jav?!"
He grinned ear to ear and said "...THAT's what you call a 'tootie-surprise'!!"

thank you Cole Jr. thank you.
Yesterday I asked Jav to pick up his dinosaurs & put them in his bag. He picked up a few and then got distracted... I said "Jav, your dinosaurs." "Oh yeah"... so he picked up a few more, then got sidetracked... "Jav, your dinosaurs." "Oh yeah"... ... ...
After the 4th rotation in this conversation I said, "Dude what's the deal?"
He said, "Mommy, I'm sorry! Sometimes I just lose focus!"

Then he & I went on a little date tonight... to "the Subway" for sandwiches. While we were there he told me some pretty great stories.
Then he said: "Mommy, I'm a good guy! Good guys are bad guys to the bad guys, and good guys to the good guys. That's the order of guys."
I said, "Oh really"
to which he replied, "Oh yeah... its pretty powerful."


Thursday, March 31, 2011

Javik & I found some sidewalk chalk so we drew ourselves a little hopscotch game...
afterward Jav said to me:
"Mommy, that was the greatest hopscotch experience I've ever had!"

I wonder how many hopscotch experiences he's had?!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Today on the way home:
Jav - "I can't get this string off my leg!"
me - "well it can't be that hard..."
Jav - "mommy, its actually quite difficult!"

However, just when I think he's a genius... he proceeds to eat the snow off of his own shoe...?!
rats. so close.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

A few jokes by the Javster:

"Why did the rubber chicken cross the road?"
"To get to the RUBBER side!"

"What's a dog's favorite snack?"

"Who's there?"
"Cow Who"
"No, OWLS who, cows MOO!"

quite the comedian, this one...

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Sometimes, when he's "busy" doing something, Jav has a hard time "hearing" what you're saying to him. After all, he is a male. =] So we often ask him to look at our faces, or ask him if he's listening...
Tonight, Cole was talking to Jav and said to him, "Javik, are you listening to me?"
To which Javik so proudly replied, "Yep, Daddy, I've got my ears on your voice!"

On the way home from school I pointed out a body of water near the road...

"Jav, look at the ice on that pond."
"Oh, Mommy, that's actually called a lake. A pond would be much smaller."

Oh really...