Sunday, September 26, 2010

Friday afternoon, [in the car] on our way home, Javik says "Mommy! I want to go really fast!"
so I said "Dude, we are going pretty fast. We're going 60."
His reply: "Well. It feels like we are only going five-dy."


Monday, September 20, 2010

Tonight on the way home Javik told me that Zebra Cakes are "super cool 3000".
That could only have come from his Aunt Heather! =]

Then during dinner he told me that "peas are great! you can lose 30 pounds in 30 days!"
where in the world did this kid come from?! LOL

Friday, September 17, 2010

As I've mentioned several times, we spend a lot of time in the car. Jav & I commute a little over an hour a day, and we love to listen to the radio.
When you're listening to 'your' radio station, or watching TV for yourself, its easy to forget how much is sinking in to those little minds.
Last night, as I was doing the bedtime thing with Jav, out of nowhere, he began to sing :
We cry Holy Holy Holy, We cry Holy Holy Holy, We cry Holy Holy Holy....
I just at in awe. Of all the messages that the media throws at us, via TV & radio & life, THAT is the one I want Jav to hear. THAT is the song I want him to have in his heart. that God is Holy.

He finished it up with "is the....." [gives me that scrunched up face] "Mommy, what is it?"
I said "is the Lamb. Do you know who the lamb is?"
"who is it?"
I said "it's Jesus! Jesus is the Lamb!"

loud & proud he belted out: We cry Holy Holy Holy... is Jesus the Lamb!!
Javik discovered my old-school kitchen timer. He's thinks its pretty fantastic. Last night he was turning the dial, listening to it tick its way around and then RING! He loved it!
Except that he just kept turning it to hear it tick. and tick. and tick. [It started making me a little crazy]
So I picked it up, manually turned it to Zero and RING! Then I put it to my ear to make sure that it was 'off' and wasn't ticking anymore.
At that, Javik leaned in real close and goes "Uh Mommy. Its NOT a phone!"


Sunday, September 12, 2010

One morning last week Javik emerged from his room, dressed and ready to go... wearing his swimming trunks. [and a matching shirt btw]
Whatever. Most mornings as long as he's dressed and in the car when it's time to leave, we're golden.
So we walked into Mary's and she said "Jav, are you wearing your swimming trunks?!"
He said "Yep!"
I explained to Mary that I was not involved in the getting-ready-process, so we were just going with it. Apparently this conversation gave Jav the impression that we were laughing at him [vs with him]... because he gave me one heck of a look.
So I tried to recover with "...and you look fantastic!"
with every ounce of gusto he could muster, he declared "I DO NOT. LOOK. FANTASTIC! I. LOOK. RIDICULOUS!" [I lol'd for a long time!]
but I didn't want him to feel bad about his choice of apparel, so I tried again, "No, you do look fantastic! And they match your shirt! You look great!"

then came his justification... "Well... it is aposed to rain today." =]
Today was full of Javisms...

starting with this morning. Jav went to a friend's house last night and fell asleep there. so when he woke up this morning he wanted to make sure we'd remembered all of his stuff. so he asked me where his sleeping bag was. i told him i put it in his room.
he walked in. looked at it. and asked "was this in here all night long?!"
i said "yep"
he said "oh, for goodness sakes!"

then the Javster and I attended the birthday party of his "girlfriend" Alexis. it was a roller skating party. at first he wasn't really sold on the idea of getting out there on the floor with all of those other, fast skating, kiddos. but he eventually got the hang of it. and every time he went around the rink he'd yell at me "I'm pretty great at this! Don'tcha think?!"
yep. i do.

then after the party we had to stop at the store that, hands down, gets the bulk of our money... WalMart. Whilst inside Javik had to go to the bathroom. Naturally. If he thinks there might be a bathroom nearby, his body starts a-talkin.
so we went into the bathroom. there were a few other ladies in there, who unfortunately had to overhear this conversation:
Jav - Mommy, where are the flushers on these toilets?
Me - Dude, they flush themselves.
Jav - these toilets flush themselves?! I've got a BAD feeling about this!!
[I could hear those ladies giggling from their stalls...]

then tonight he pipes up with "I CAN'T SEE MY FACE!" in a very panicky voice. Cole informed him that no one can see their own face. Jav responded with "well I can see your guys' faces. just not mine." Cole again tried to reassure him that this was normal. It was like Jav was worried that his face had gone somewhere...
which was confirmed when he gave us this little nugget of wisdom : "It's just my style to keep my face close by me!"

well said Jav, well said.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

My hubby is quite the story-teller. Those of you fortunate enough to know him will agree. And Javik loves to hear a story from his daddy before he goes to bed at night. [Mommy isn't so great at making up stories ((I guess I'm just naturally honest)), so Jav prefers that I just read him a story that someone else wrote] lol.
Anyhoo, last night Cole was telling Javik a story about a Lion named Growly and a kickball and a witch. I wasn't really following the story... I was pretty much just falling asleep.
But at one point in the story the witch got so scared she peed her pants.
At the mention of someone peeing their pants, Javik busted up laughing. Like the kind of laughing where you stop making any noise and/or breathing and you're just sitting there with this paralyzed grin on your face... yep, that kind.
It was rather funny.
Even funnier was this morning [again, in the car] when Javik, out of nowhere, started cracking up laughing. Uncontrollable laughter from my 3 year old. I turned to look at him and said, "Dude, what is so funny?!"
His reply: "I was just remembering when that witch got so scared she peed her pants!!!"

Oh the things they remember. =]

Friday, September 3, 2010

yesterday morning while getting ready for the day:
Jav - I'm going upstairs to get ready to Fight!
Cole - I'm going with you.
Jav - No, I'm going by myself.
Cole - but 'We're brothers. We fight together' (Jav's fave TMNT quote)
Jav - oh yeah, good point!

and then last night:
me - Javi, what should we have for dinner?
Jav - oh Mommy, great question!

so dramatic...