Monday, August 23, 2010

We've spent many an hour in the bathroom this summer... Javik is finally (mostly) diaper-free! Oh Happy Day at the CH house!
However, during those multiple hours helping him, um, figure this out, we've had some funny moments.
1. nearly every time he's... going... he uses the phrase "It's important that I listen to my body!" Thank you Elmo for this fantastic life advice.
2. he stands on the toilet to pee. yep, ON the toilet. he just climbs right up there and lets it go. so far, he hasn't missed.
3. (this moment might very well be my fave) :: one afternoon he was going through a particularly difficult potty moment... #2 just takes quite a bit more effort... and as we were sitting there, myself on the edge of the bathtub, Jav on the throne, he grunted a little and said "Mommy..."
I said "What do you need, buddy?"
His reply, and I quote, (read in a grunty/desperate voice) "I just need this poop to hit the water!"

All that to say we've had an interesting, but fabulous summer!
And I'll say it again : DIAPER FREE (mostly)! LOL

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