Thursday, September 9, 2010

My hubby is quite the story-teller. Those of you fortunate enough to know him will agree. And Javik loves to hear a story from his daddy before he goes to bed at night. [Mommy isn't so great at making up stories ((I guess I'm just naturally honest)), so Jav prefers that I just read him a story that someone else wrote] lol.
Anyhoo, last night Cole was telling Javik a story about a Lion named Growly and a kickball and a witch. I wasn't really following the story... I was pretty much just falling asleep.
But at one point in the story the witch got so scared she peed her pants.
At the mention of someone peeing their pants, Javik busted up laughing. Like the kind of laughing where you stop making any noise and/or breathing and you're just sitting there with this paralyzed grin on your face... yep, that kind.
It was rather funny.
Even funnier was this morning [again, in the car] when Javik, out of nowhere, started cracking up laughing. Uncontrollable laughter from my 3 year old. I turned to look at him and said, "Dude, what is so funny?!"
His reply: "I was just remembering when that witch got so scared she peed her pants!!!"

Oh the things they remember. =]

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